Haven’t posted many of my own lyrics. Partly out of my fear of making any of them permanent creations. Once out in the ether, things tend to take on an entirely different, unshakable character, open to interpretation and criticism. Also, unlike many of my ramblings that are not related to song, lyrics seem to present almost a threat to the musician in me. Somehow, it’s hard to extend confidence toward this collision of two separate arts, but at this time it is imperative that I do that, so…..
Here are some things I’ve penned lately (or not so lately):
“Here Rests In Honored Glory”
An icebox opens my eyes
to the beauty I’ve seen
the last two nights
An old woman passing by
just out of sight
out of sight, out of mind
A father to a son
wraps his knuckle on the door
of my simple heart
I’m not dreaming, I’m not dreaming, I’m not dreaming here, am I?
Running the length of
my dirty traveler’s fingers across
the soft marble edge of a cross
“Here Rests In Honored Glory”
trading places with the nameless
man under my foot
we meet like an auto crash
in a field of red roses on a hill
above the sea
I’m not dreaming, I’m not dreaming, I’m not dreaming here, am I?
“Stand Still”
unfinished business
trying too hard trying too hard
endless excuses
falling apart at the seams
last night
fell asleep with my shoes on
bucket of old memories in my hand
lost and late for something
mumbling words i don’t understand
running blindly into the light
moth with a death wish fluorescent demise
stand still stand still
stand still stand still
blink blink blink
no one standing there anymore
silent silent silent
then a knock at the door
answer answer answer
waiting with a familiar face
last night
fell asleep with my shoes on
bucket of old memories in my hand
lost and late for something
mumbling words I don’t understand
stand still stand still
stand still stand still
“Lights and Sound”
slowly now, coming in slowly
rational thoughts rational thoughts
words and movement
lights and sound
creature of habit
ear to the ground
more than memories, changed into dreams
I try to shake them off, shake them off